Frequently Asked Questions 

These are the answers you have been looking for

What does Te Rōpū Taiao mean?

Language: Maori

Literal Translation of Te Rōpū Taiao: The Association of Environment

Break down of words:

Taiao is the connection to the environment and the natural world.

Rōpū refers to an association or organization of a group of people

For more investigation into Maori translation click here to access the Maori Dictionary.

Best way to contact?

Please refer to the contact section of the website (click here).

The best way to get in touch is to email the RTEA and we will endeavor to get back to you shortly.

Who is this association for?

The RTEA is primarily for students within the University of Auckland studying a discipline within the School of Environment.  However, students from outside the faculty, but still within the UoA, taking an environmental course are more than welcome to being a member. 

What is the RTEA's discrimination policy?

The RTEA complies with all UoA policies regarding bullying and discrimination, and has a zero tolerance for both. If any emotional or physical abuse occurs within the club an impartial board, in the case of misconduct by a committee member, will decide whether or not more action is needed and the case may be forwarded on to a more formal university hearing. If the case is minor, the committee will determine the outcome for the members involved. Most-likely disbandment from the club.